Picophotonics is an SME from the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the Tampere University, focusing on the development and manufacturing of Q-switched microchip lasers based on proprietary semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) technology.
Our mission is to provide a laser platform bridging the gap between the parameters offered by the more complex mode-locked lasers delivering picosecond pulses, and conventional Q-switched lasers operating in the ns region.

Key differentiators are the ability to provide high peak powers with pulse duration from 50 – 100 ps all the way to 1 ns at 1064 nm and 532 nm, 1 – 10 ns at 1535 nm while offering variable repetition rates from single kilohertz in ranging applications to 100 – 200 kHz in spectroscopy and all the way to the MHz region in a compact package. Picophotonics lasers offer a narrow spectral width, and possibility for power scaling in compact amplifier package.
The output power, compactness and cost-effectiveness of Picophotonics laser platform provides an unmatched combination of features for applications in emerging technologies, such as time gated Raman spectroscopy, biophotonics applications and eye-safe LIDAR and range-finding.