SK15 - Compact, high repetition rate 1535 nm microchip seed laser

Compact, nanosecond, high energy microchip laser for range finding and LIDAR applications with integrated electronics.

Wavelength 1535 nm (+/-0.5 nm)
Spectral width <0.15 nm
Pulse duration(factory fixed) 1 ns – 10 ns
Repetition rate (tunable) 1 kHz – 50 kHz
Power stability (%-SD) < 5 %
Pulse energy 1 µJ – 12 µJ
Peak power 8 kW at 1 kHz
4 kW at 5 kHz
3 kW at 10 kHz
Operation temperature +15 °C to +30 °C
Dimensions 135 mm x 60 mm x 60 mm

Internal photodiode and trigger out available
Internal fan and TEC cooling
OEM customization available

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